
Monthly Reports – June 2024

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The indicator arrows have continued to move slightly to the positive in China with daily sales volume levels ahead of expectation. Inventory is dropping and sales prices for Kiwi logs…

Monthly Reports – May 2024

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April has seen the market continue to stabilise but at historically lower prices which has limited production from our forests. This particularly impacts those forest owners in regions where no…

Monthly Reports – April 2024

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Over the last month, the China market has settled down after a significant swing down with some key factors moving to the positive, albeit not stunningly so. Whilst NZ wharf…

Monthly Reports – March 2024

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Very much against the tide of what we had been expecting, the China market has taken a major turn down. Indeed, the current correction might best be described as catastrophic,…

Monthly Reports – February 2024

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Another lift in CFR prices in China with a small reduction in sea-freight rates saw another good price increase for February at wharf gate prices. This has taken us over…

Monthly Reports – January 2024

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The log price consolidations we saw Q4 2023 have remained for January. We have seen small lifts in export prices. Domestic prices remain stable with some factors moving toward the…

Monthly Reports – December2023

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The lifts in export log prices reported last month have continued in to December. The selling price in China has been increasing with positivity pervading the market generally. Most commentators…

Monthly Reports – November 2023

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Export prices have firmed in November leading us back up to close to NZ$110 per JAS m3 at wharf gate for South Island ports, up NZ$9 – 10 /m3 on…

Monthly Reports – October 2023

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For the first time in a long-time, log prices across both domestic and export log trade segments are stable and demand is just OK, but also steady. Whilst we are…

Monthly Reports – September 2023

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Export log prices slipped back slightly in September on the back of continuing softening in China. For South Island Ports, wharf gate prices have also nudged back rendering many harvest…

Monthly Reports – August 2023

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There has been a significant rebound in at wharf gate export grade log prices in August on the back of good lifts in China, although current signals are emphasising high…

Monthly Reports – July 2023

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I have been marketing trees and logs for famers and forest growers since November 1989 and for the last 18 years of that I have been marketing logs directly to…

Monthly Reports – June 2023

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A memorable time for all the wrong reasons this month with Export log price at wharf gate falling to a low last experienced in 2015. A check back on the…

Monthly Reports – May 2023

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My prophetic words in last months report “….but May could be a cot case unless consumption picks up quickly in China and shipping rates do not continue to fall”. A…

Monthly Reports – April 2023

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April 2023. Our log export sector is very much a story of history repeating this month, with most fundamentals pointing south after a price spike. Underlying the apparent weakness in…

Monthly Reports – March 2023

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March 2023. We have a tale of very much two games in town this month. On the one hand our domestic sawmill customers are very much hurting over an abundance…

Monthly Report – February 2023

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For the NZ Log trade, the beginning of 2023, is dominated by many positives as the market planets have continued to come back into alignment. This is of course tempered…

Monthly Report – January 2023

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The NZ forest industry return from summer holidays has been greeted with generally positive news out of China, but our local sawmills have started to come off the boil significantly…

Monthly Reports – December 2022

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December 2022. A review of the domestic sawmilling scene very much confirms lumber sales are off the boil. In fact, most spoken to paint a picture of reduced sales and…

Monthly Reports – November 2022

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November 2022. The NZ domestic market has continued a downward slide in demand in Q4 with it becoming apparent the overall market is teetering on the very narrow ledge of…

Monthly Reports – October

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October 2022. A very mixed bag this month with uncertainty and unpredictability being the order of the day. So much what we can say about the market generally, dovetails back…

Monthly Reports – September

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September 2022. Further good lifts in at wharf gate log export prices have been the order of the day in September. As in August, the increases are primarily the function…

Monthly Reports – August

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August 2022. Whilst the China key market indicators remain flat to weak, export log prices increased at wharf gate NZ in August, primarily on the back of reduced shipping rates.…

Monthly Reports – July

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July 2022. The low market point in June in the log export segment has had some significant impacts across the NZ Forest industry. Many logging crews have been parked up,…

Monthly Reports – June

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June 2022. We have certainly hit an export log price low spot this month with the combination of a slight drop in the sale price in China and rampant shipping…

Monthly Reports – May

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May 2022. The export log market continues to be extremely challenging and uncertain, whilst our domestic sawmills continue to enjoy high demand, albeit with a few mutterings of the heat…

The NZ Government Is Intent On Planting 1 Billion Trees

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Crown Forestry is looking for land to plant as part of the Government’s One Billion Trees programme. We want to talk to landowners considering commercial radiata pine planting and who…

Monthly Reports – April

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April 2022. The NZ wood fibre exports trade continues to be dominated by shipping. Availability of ships, timely presentation at ports to pick up cargo and freight costs are weighing…

Monthly Reports – March

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March 2022. World events surrounding COVID and the Ukraine invasion are dominating all market speak at present. The key impacts across the log trade are expressed in ship availability and…

Monthly Reports – February

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Febuary 2022. The trend we saw developing in the log export segment in January, has evolved in to some significant increases in prices, at wharf gate NZ for February sales.…